Tuition & scholarships

Tuition will likely be your single biggest cost while attending university or college. However, the total cost of your education depends on factors such as:

  • How many classes you take
  • How you get around (car, bus, bike, etc.)
  • Where you live
  • Where (and what) you eat

Use our handy estimating tool to get an idea of your UVic tuition and student fees, then take a look at the many ways to fund your education, from scholarships and bursaries to co-op jobs and work study positions.

Tuition fee estimator

The tuition fee estimator provides a preliminary estimate for undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in full-time studies. Actual tuition fees may vary and are subject to change.

* Indicates required field.

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Scholarships and financial aid

Your courses should challenge you, not your bank account. Visit the Student Awards & Financial Aid website to learn about financial aid, scholarships, bursaries, work study opportunities, budgeting and more.

We're committed to helping you find solutions to finance your post-secondary education.