Contact us
General inquiries
- Email:
- Phone: 250-721-8395
Other inquiries
Find contact information for specific people in our staff directory.
Mailing address
Regular mail | Courier deliveries |
Residence Services University of Victoria PO Box 1700 STN CSC Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2 |
Residence Services |
Administrative hours
Administrative office hours
- Monday to Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
- Closed weekends and Statutory Holidays
Front Desk hours
Front Desk hours
In addition to the hours stated below, the Front Desk may be closed occasionally due to operational needs. In an emergency, contact Campus Security at 250-721-7599.
September - April
- Monday-Friday: 24 hours
- Saturday, Sunday and Statutory holidays: Open from 8:00am – 6:00am, (closed between 6:00am – 8:00am), unless otherwise noted
May - August
- Monday-Sunday: 24 hours
Statutory holidays that fall on a Saturday or Sunday are recognized the following business day. UVic recognizes the following Statutory holidays:
- New Year's day - closed
- Family day
- Good Friday
- Easter Monday
- Victoria Day - open 24hrs
- Canada Day - open 24hrs
- B.C. Day - open 24hrs
- Labour Day
- National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
- Canadian Thanksgiving
- Remembrance Day
- Christmas Day - closed
- Boxing Day - closed
Indigenous Student Lounge hours
Indigenous Student Lounge
The Indigenous Student Lounge can be found on the lower floor of Sngeqa House. It is a safe space that self-identified Indigenous students can drop into to access supportive staff, to ask questions and find information about campus resources, to study, grab a snack or a cup of coffee or tea. The ISL also offers a variety of cultural programming that varies from month to month and includes relevant educational workshops, and cultural arts and crafts.
September to April
- Monday to Friday, hours vary by week
- Closed weekends and Statutory holidays
The weekly schedule is posted by the Indigenous Student Lounge (ISL) entrance on the 1st floor of Sŋéqə ʔéʔləŋ (Sngequ House) every Monday or email for availability.
Mailing address
Mailing address
Regular mail | Courier deliveries |
Residence Services University of Victoria PO Box 1700 STN CSC Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2 |
Residence Services |