Megan Egler

Megan Egler
Postdoctoral fellow
Accelerating Community Energy Transformation (ACET)

PhD (University of Vermont), MSc (University of Guelph), BSc (University of Alberta)

Area of expertise

Ecological economics, Applied economics, Critical social sciences, Political economy, Energy and mining policy/politics

Dr. Megan Egler is a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Accelerating Community Energy Transformations (ACET) Initiative. Her current research explores public perceptions of energy transitions within rural and medium-sized communities in Western Canada and the effective and inclusive design of policies for advancing both climate and justice goals.

Megan completed her doctorate in Natural Resources and Ecological Economics at the University of Vermont where her research engaged with community perceptions of, and desires for, energy futures in fossil fuel producing regions of Canada and the United States. She is interested in how power, narrative, and emerging technologies shape sustainability transitions and intersect with economy, work, and well-being. Megan has also conducted research and consulted on programs and policies dealing with fossil fuel liabilities, major energy infrastructure projects, and the redevelopment of inactive fossil fuel and mining sites in Canada and the USA.