Alan Pence

Alan Pence
Associate Fellow
Centre for Global Studies

Alan Pence is an Associate Fellow at CFGS and UNESCO Co-Chair in Early Childhood Education, Care and Development (ECD). Dr. Pence is Professor Emeritus with the School of Child and Youth Care, University of Victoria and is a former Director of the School. While at the School he established three specialized units:

  • the Unit for Early Years Research and Development (EYRD:;
  • the First Nations Partnership Programs (FNPP:; and
  • the Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU:

He remains active in ECD as UNESCO Co-Chair with a focus on early childhood capacity promotion working with key organizations in Africa (see and with Indigenous Peoples. Dr. Pence is a recipient of the Canadian Bureau for International Education’s Award for Educational Leadership, the University of Victoria’s inaugural Craigdarroch Research Award for Societal Contributions, and his Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU) program was a finalist for the internationally prestigious WISE Awards for innovation in education. For more information, click on this link for a short bio.

For more information on the UNESCO Chair, please visit