Sarah Marie Wiebe

Sarah Marie Wiebe
2022 Faculty Fellow

Sarah Marie Wiebe is a Faculty Research Fellow with the Centre for Global Studies and an Assistant Professor in the School of Public Administration at the University of Victoria. She primarily teaches in the Community Development program and her research focuses on environmental justice, public engagement and community-engaged research. During her fellowship with the Centre for Global Studies, she will be developing a research program that investigates relationships between climate emergency declarations and democratic participation as well as convening the CEDAR Co-lab (Climate Emergency and Design for Alternative Realities) while reflecting on and applying a design justice lens to collaborative research. Our group of undergraduate, graduate, community and faculty researchers will come together monthly to discuss Design Justice: Community-Led Practices to Build the Worlds We Need. Sarah is a board member with the Climate Disaster Project, author of the forthcoming book with UBC Press Life against States of Emergency: Revitalizing Treaty Relations from Attawapiskat and leads a research team examining vulnerabilities to extreme heat exposure events in the Capital Regional District. Drawing upon her lived-experience, she is currently writing a manuscript entitled Hot Mess: Becoming a Mother during a Code Red Climate Emergency, under contract with Fernwood Press.

More information about Sarah's research interests is available at Feel free to follow her on twitter @smwiebe. If you are interested in joining the CEDAR Co-lab and reading group, please reach out to Sarah at: .