Japanese Problem - Live theatre performances

December 04, 2017
11:00 AM - 02:00 PM
Community event
Queenswood/Arbutus Room, Cadboro Commons Building, UVic

CAPI partner "Landscapes of Injustice" is presenting three free live performances of the "Japanese Problem" Dec 4th at UVic (11am, 12:30pm, and 2pm)

In 1942, over 8,000 Canadians were detained in barns at Hastings Park —the effects, and the memories haunt us to this day.

JAPANESE PROBLEM is a title derived from the nomenclature of WWII, but containing in it the understanding that the citizens affected at the time were neither Japanese--they were overwhelmingly legal residents/citizens of Canada, nor problematic--with zero verifiable connections to activities against Canada. 

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