Falk Herwig

Falk  Herwig
Physics and Astronomy
Office: Elliott 214
Area of expertise

Stellar hydrodynamics, origin of the elements

Research Area

Falk Herwig is leading the Computational Stellar Astrophysics group to conduct research in a range of topics related to the evolution, hydrodynamcis and nuclear astrophsyics of stars and stellar explosions of single and binary stars. The CSA group participates in the NSF Physics Frontier Center Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics - Chemical Evolution of the Elements and is an active member of the NuGrid collaboration. The CSA computational research is supported by Compute Canada high-performance computing time allocations on the Niagara supercomputer.

Specific research topics

  • Large-scale 3D hydrodynamics simulations of convection in stars and the interaction of convection with nuclear burning
  • Nucleosynthesis simulations in a wide range of astrophysical sites and its dependence on nuclear physics input
  • The origin of the elements in stars and stellar explosions, as well as in interacting binary stars, such as merging white dwarf stars and nova
  • Chemical evolution of galaxies: physics of stellar yields and their impact on observable abundances of samples of galactic and extra-galactic stars and stellar populations
  • High-performance computing and research cyber-infrastructure

Past and present projects

Follow Falk Herwig on Twitter: @fherwig



A full list of publications is available here.