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Self-reflective research

If you are conducting self-reflective research, such as an autoethnography or an autobiographical study, please check the box marked “other” in item L.1a and explain your research method.

The main ethical concern is that individuals may be identified without their knowledge and/or consent. You should also anticipate the possibility that you may directly or indirectly provide information about an identifiable personthis should be clarified in section P: Anonymity and Confidentiality.

If you wish to include information about a person that may identify them, include a consent form to cover this situation. Include this information under the “informed consent” section in the application form.

You should also allow them to view sections of the research report that include information about them. Ensure they know they have permission to ask that sections they perceive as harmful be removed.

Emergent research

For multi-method or other complex research, it can be difficult to provide final, full details in your application. Some multi-phased research needs to know the outcome of initial phases to develop subsequent phases.

  • the HREB can provide ethics approval for the initial phases of a study with the understanding that more complete descriptions of the subsequent phases will be provided through modifications or amendments
  • if you are doing multi-phased or community-based research and cannot provide complete information in your application form, complete all items to the best of your ability
    • include the information that you will be seeking subsequent modification applications as your projects take shape
    • for example, if you are consulting with a community group about questions to include on a questionnaire, you cannot provide the final instrument
    • describe the general direction/subject matter of the questions in your application form
    • state that you will submit a modification application to have the questionnaire reviewed and approved by the HREB before implementation
  • in item 1c, be specific about where the research will, or may take place
    • if you are guaranteeing confidentiality (e.g., the participant’s identity is to remain confidential), ensure that it will not be breached by the location of your data collection
  • if your research will occur over multiple sessions, indicate in item L.1d the estimated time required for each session
    • you must also include the total amount of time or a range of estimated time

See Chapter 10 of the TCPS 2 for more information.