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Controlled drugs for research


In the past, researchers have been able to obtain controlled drugs (e.g. ketamine, sodium pentobarbital, buprenorphine, etc.) from Animal Care Services personnel by completing standardized documentation to account for the use of the drug. Drugs were ordered and maintained through the Veterinary Director, using her Veterinary License.

At the last Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) Assessment Visit in December 2014, UVic was informed that our current practice is not in compliance with the Controlled Drugs and Substances Actand the Health Canada Directive on Physical Security Requirements for Controlled Substances.

In their report, the CCAC made a Regular Recommendation requiring the University to comply with Health Canada’s Controlled Drug and Substances Act. This is consistent with all other research institutions in Canada. The Animal Care Committee, the Senior Operations Advisory Committee, and the Animal Care Users Committee have been made aware of this recommendation within the assessment report.

The Office of Research Services (ORS) is working closely with Facilities Management, Campus Security, Health Canada and the research community to educate, assist and support researchers with this change.


In order to gain compliance with the Act, researchers must now obtain and use their own supplies of controlled substances. Supplies cannot be shared between Principal Investigators. Researchers using controlled drugs must maintain detailed records for procurement and use, and the responsible Principal Investigator must regularly monitor supplies.

Researchers must first obtain an exemption from Health Canada to use controlled substances with their research animals. The application form is found here: Scientific Exemption Application.

An approved protocol must be in place before an exemption will be issued. A copy of your approved, signed protocol must be sent with your exemption application.

Once an exemption has been granted, controlled substances must be ordered by, shipped to, and stored by the researcher. Animal Care Services cannot store or aliquot controlled substances to researchers from a stock inventory. Detailed records of controlled substance use must be kept by the researcher(s) using the substances.

A PowerPoint presentation and flow chart are now available on the website to walk researchers through the completion of the application process.

Currently, the plan is to require new and renewing protocols to be in compliance with the Act and Directive beginning January 1, 2016. As protocols approach their renewal dates, researchers with these

substances listed on their protocols will be reminded to initiate the process for completing their exemption application. Support through the Office of Research Services will be available to assist with the process.

Researchers are encouraged to begin this process well in advance of protocol expiry to ensure minimal disruption of their programs.

A PowerPoint presentation and flow chart are now available on the website to walk researchers through the completion of the application process.

There may be a period of time during which researchers are awaiting their exemption approval and controlled drugs are needed for their research animals. Animal Care Services will work with the researchers to ensure that animals are receiving the medications they require during this waiting period.

Currently, the following controlled drugs are most commonly used for research at UVic:

(last updated: 2023)
Drug name Common trade names Used for
Sodium Pentobarbital Euthanyl, Euthansol Euthanasia
Buprenorphine Buprenex, Subutex Pain control


Torbugesic Sedation


Ketaset, Vetalar, Ketalar Anaesthesia

UVIC has an account with CDMV.  You will order your controlled substances directly from CDMV using your scientific exemption license and UVIC’s account number.

To order, complete the order form:

  • The CDMV account number is: 83137
  • Your Establishment name will be the name of the Principal Investigator who must also be the person named on the Exemption.
  • The owner of the Exemption must be the person signing the order form.
  • The address on the ordering form must be EXACTLY the same as the address on the Exemption.
  • Put a number (i.e. 1, 2, etc.) in the white quantity column on the order form (check marks are not acceptable).
  • If you make a mistake while filling out the order form, cross it out and the owner of the exemption must initialize and then fill in the correct information.

Payment options: 

You may pay by credit card or Purchase Order (PO), you may not use your C card.

  • If paying by credit card, please email: for instructions on how to add your credit card to the CDMV account securely online.  Provide only the last 4 digits, the expiry date and the name on the credit card on the order form.
  • If paying by Purchase Order, the purchase order from your department must contain controlled drugs only. 

As any mistake or missing information can lead to a refusal, before sending the order, CDMV strongly suggests you submit the order first by email so they can validate it.  CDMV will be also able to let you know if the selected product is available at the time.  Use the following email address:

Submitting your order:  

Once the order form is completed, you must mail (or courier) it to CDMV:

  • the original copy of the order form
  • a copy of your exemption
  • a copy of the PO sheet (if paying by PO; this is not required if paying by credit card)
  • a shipping charge of $15 will be applied per order

Alternatively, you can also submit an order form by email if you have a digital signature software. 


Best practices would be as follows:

  • Notify Science Stores that a package is expected from CDMV once your order has been
  • When received, have 2 people go to Science Stores to pick it
  • Animal Care Services can be the “second person” if your lab is short-staffed (contact; x3692 for assistance).