In Memoriam: Cindy Player

The university flag will be lowered on Aug. 30 in honour of Cindy Player, a valued University of Victoria changemaker and leader. Cindy served as the Director of Equity and Human Rights from 2004 to 2016 and was a champion of issues related to fairness and human rights for her entire life. Her skill, passion and resilience established the foundation of UVic’s Equity and Human Rights office and guides the diversity, equity and inclusion work that continues across the university. She will be most remembered for her signature kindness, which she brought to all her interactions.

In Cindy’s honour and in memory of the many contributions she has made, a scholarship has been created in her name. The Cindy Player Award on Equity and Human Rights will support undergraduate Social Sciences and Social Work students who are pursuing studies related to human rights, while facing barriers to equity and experiencing financial need. Visit the donation page for more information about Cindy and the award.