President's Town Hall

Staff and faculty are invited to join President Kevin Hall at a town hall on October 25. He’ll review significant achievements from the past year, discuss our current challenges and opportunities, and look to the future with updates on our new strategic plan and other exciting initiatives. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session with the executive team.

Got a question?

You can help Kevin prepare for the town hall by sharing your questions when you register. Your submissions will inform the discussion, but due to time constraints we can't guarantee that we will be able to address all topics.


We want to welcome and accommodate all, so please register early and let us know about any accessibility needs. ASL interpretation will be provided. For those who aren’t able to attend, a captioned recording of the town hall will be made available within two weeks.

Event Update: The event will be held on Zoom and advance registration is required to receive the link.

Sign up now for this event.