Our return to in-person learning on Jan. 24, 2022

- University of Victoria

Thanks for your patience as we enter into 2022 and continue to experience challenges related to the ongoing pandemic. I want to reaffirm that UVic is committed to returning to offering in-person education beginning January 24, as planned and shared with you on Dec. 23 and Jan. 6.

Our direction aligns with current, evidence-based advice from BC’s Provincial Health Officer (PHO), who is confident that the layers of protection on campuses will help to minimize transmission of COVID-19—as they have throughout the pandemic. The PHO also continues to emphasize how important it is for students to be in classrooms, including to support mental health and wellness.

We are actively developing academic and operational contingency plans that build in flexibility throughout the term. Faculty, instructors and students can expect a follow-up email from the Vice-President Academic and Provost that includes options to create greater flexibility over the academic term, ideas on how to best manage absences, and supports and resources for instructors and students.

Your continuing understanding and support of one another is appreciated. I know we are all eager to return to more regular interactions with colleagues, classmates and friends. Although we aren’t yet business as usual, I am looking forward to welcoming everyone to campus on Jan. 24, and I wish you all a successful spring term.

Kevin Hall
President and Vice-Chancellor

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