Changes are coming to Mearns-McPherson Library

- University of Victoria

Starting in December, Mearns-McPherson Library will be renovating its Ask Us/Loan Desk and expanding study space on the main floor. 

The library is an important study location--especially at this time of year--so we've worked hard to minimize impacts on students. Study seats that are temporarily removed will be relocated to other areas of the library. Study space will be available in library classrooms and throughout the library, and there will be staff and signage on hand to help you find seats.

Noisy construction will be scheduled outside of library hours whenever possible. We expect noise to be minimal, but free earplugs and noise-dampening headphones will be available at the Ask Us Desk just in case. The Ask Us Desk will be temporarily relocated at the back of the building on the main floor.

The rest of the library will remain accessible, including the main stairwell, the BiblioCafe, the group study rooms and all the other floors.

We know that no renovation is without some disruption and we recognize that exam period is a stressful time to adjust to any changes. Our goal is to have the renovations completed by April of 2023. We apologize for any inconvenience as we work to improve your experience at the Mearns-McPherson Library.

Any questions or concerns can be sent to .

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