Experts on 2022 federal budget

Humanities, Social Sciences, Human and Social Development

UVic experts are available to media on various themes related to Budget 2022. (Stock image: pexels)

The following University of Victoria experts are available to media for comment on the following aspects of Budget 2022, expected to be tabled at 1 p.m. PDT today by the federal government, with topics ranging from implications for social justice programs to defence spending within the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Anelyse Weiler (Sociology) is an expert in migrant workers’ rights, food justice issues, global farm labour-migration programs and labour movements. She can discuss the federal government’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program and any implications outlined in the budget. (Email at

David Zimmerman (History) is a specialist in Canadian military history. He is available to discuss all aspects of the defence budgeting, including related science and technology policies. (Email at

Michael J. Prince (Human and Social Development) is an expert in Canadian political issues. He can provide context and comment on trends in social policy, public health and federal-provincial relations, as well as disability policy issues. (Office: 250-721-8043 or

Rob Gillezeau (Economics) is an economist with practical experience in budget preparation and academic expertise in fiscal policy, employment, taxation and social programs. He can comment on the implications of the budget in these areas, as well as within the broader fiscal framework.  (Email at

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Media contacts

Tara Sharpe (University Communications + Marketing) at 250-721-6248 or

In this story

Keywords: politics, budget

People: Anelyse Weiler, David Zimmerman, Michael Prince, Rob Gillezeau

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