New purchasing code of conduct

New code of conduct sets labour, environmental and human rights standards for suppliers

The university’s Purchasing Services department has developed a new Supplier Code of Conduct (SCoC). The code sets out ethical standards of conduct for UVic suppliers while supporting the university’s commitment to sustainability. 

“The Supplier Code of Conduct formalizes our expectations of behaviour and the minimum requirements for suppliers who deal with the university,” says Xavier Serrano, director of Purchasing Services.

The code aligns with the triple-bottom-line (financial, environmental and social) procurement goals identified in the Sustainability Action Plan, as well as the Strategic Framework objective of promoting sustainable futures for students, and the local and global community.

“We want to ensure that our suppliers follow fair labour practices, respect human rights, conduct business in a sustainable way that reduces environmental and social impacts, and hold themselves to a high standard of corporate behaviour,” says Serrano 

The Code of Conduct applies to all suppliers who provide goods or services to the university, as well as their subcontractors. The framework addresses a broad range of topics from child labour, discrimination and environmental commitment to animal welfare, conflict of interest and gifts and hospitality. The code includes provisions for UVic to take action or terminate contracts with suppliers whose practices do not meet the required standards.

“We will be incorporating the Code of Conduct into all new contracts, and collaborating with vendors to develop alternative supply solutions where necessary,” says Serrano. “We expect our suppliers to strive to exceed industry and international best practices, and we’ll work with them to improve their practices over time.”

Following stakeholder consultation across the university, the Supplier Code of Conduct was developed in collaboration with the Office of Campus Planning and Sustainability, and informed by a review of similar codes at other Canadian universities, international labour conventions and United Nations guidelines. It was presented to the President’s Leadership Council in November 2019.

The code is now available to guide departments contracting for the supply of goods and services. To find out more about using the Supplier Code of Conduct and incorporating sustainability criteria into the supplier selection process, contact Purchasing Services Director Xavier Serrano.

View the Supplier Code of Conduct on the Purchasing Services website.


In this story

Keywords: administrative, sustainability, human rights

Publication: The Ring

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