UVic Board of Governors update

- University of Victoria

The UVic Board of Governors is one of two primary governing bodies of the university (the other being the Senate). The board is responsible for the management, administration and control of the property, revenue and business affairs of the university.

The board consists of the chancellor, the president, two elected faculty members, one elected staff member, two students elected from the university’s undergraduate and graduate student bodies and eight members appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. More info about the board can be found at uvic.ca/usec. We welcome the newly appointed chair and vice-chair and newly elected student members to the 2019–20 board.

Isabella Lee

Isabella Lee is a third-year student at UVic, majoring in sociology with a minor in public administration. She served as the social science senator and as the director of student affairs of the UVSS in 2018. She was also the president of a UVic political club, and the vice-president of the French Course Union. Her focus is to make politics accessible for everyone. Being a member of these clubs and course unions has allowed her to help build community on campus. When she is not at school or at work, she likes to volunteer with the Girl Guides of Canada. Lee, through her involvements has learned valuable lessons of leadership, teamwork and dedication. She looks forward to continuing to find new ways to improve the life of her campus community.

Eslam Mehina

Eslam Mehina is a PhD candidate in the Division of Medical Sciences. Committed to enhancing graduate student experiences at UVic, Mehina has been a graduate student representative to the Faculty of Graduate Studies Council and the chair of the Neuroscience Graduate Students’ Association for two terms. Concurrently with her appointment to the UVic Board of Governors, she is also serving as a graduate student representative to the University Senate. Mehina has been awarded national and provincial funding as both an undergraduate and MSc student, and is the recipient of a prestigious NSERC Vanier CGS-D for her PhD research. She holds a BSc and MSc from the University of Calgary.

Carolyn Elizabeth Thoms

Carolyn Thoms has worked in the finance arena for over 30 years and holds Chartered Financial Analyst and Chartered Professional Accountant designations. She held senior corporate financial positions in the financial guaranty, business valuations and investment industries and in her career has worked in Canada, Bermuda and Switzerland. Thoms is a member of the CFA Institute, Victoria CFA Society, and Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada and BC. She is actively engaged in her community. She has served on the Board of Governors of the Victoria Conservatory of Music and previously served as Chair (3-years) and Governor (9-years) of the UVic Foundation.

Visit the Board of Governors website to learn more.


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Keywords: administrative

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