Provide your feedback on the Strategic Enrolment Plan

After 10 months of working group and committee meetings and a range of engagement opportunities for different university constituencies, UVic’s first Strategic Enrolment Plan (SEM) is ready for broad campus feedback. Faculty and staff are invited to an open house session on Dec. 3 to learn more about this important initiative, ask questions and provide input.

Since January 2018, members of the Enrolment Management Working Group and four committees— focused on graduate recruitment and retention, undergraduate recruitment and conversion, undergraduate student retention and success, and data analysis and benchmarking—have been working with consultants to develop goals, strategies and short-, middle- and long-term tactics for this inaugural plan.

“The feedback we’ve received from the campus community so far has been integral to the development of our SEM plan, and we want to give as many faculty and staff as possible the opportunity to provide input as we finalize our plan,” says Vice-President Academic and Provost Valerie Kuehne.

AVP Student Affairs Jim Dunsdon, who has been leading the plan’s development, adds: “Many members of our community will be actively engaged in implementing the plan, and it’s important for us to make sure we’ve heard from them about the action plans that will be directly impacting their work.”

The goal of the SEM process is to align the university’s Strategic Framework with student recruitment goals and retention and success initiatives—optimizing resources while maintaining overall student enrolment at about the current size.

The plan’s six high-level goals focus on quality, composition (including diversity) and student success:

  • Strengthening the entering domestic undergraduate class
  • Improving undergraduate retention and progression
  • Experiential learning
  • Strengthening the international undergraduate population
  • Increasing graduate enrolment and
  • Increasing the Indigenous student population.

Each goal is supported by a number of strategies and specific action plans for implementation.

Open house consultation opportunity on Dec. 3

The Dec. 3 open house begins at 1 p.m. in Cadboro Commons (Haro room) with an overview of the SEM process and an introduction to the recommended goals, strategies and tactics. From 1:30-3:30 p.m. participants will be encouraged to review and provide feedback on the 15-20 action plans associated with each SEM goal.

Members of the SEM committees and AACRAO Consulting, industry leaders in SEM work in North America, will be available to answer questions.

If you’re not able to attend the open house, your input is still welcome. Please feel free to email  or contact any member of the Enrolment Management Working Group. A list of working group members along with more information on the SEM process to date is available on the VPAC website.


In this story

People: Jim Dunsdon, Valerie Kuehne

Publication: The Ring

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