Strategic enrolment management planning underway at UVic

- Lindsay Windecker

UVic is developing its first strategic enrolment management (SEM) plan, which will help guide our recruitment and retention efforts for the next five to 10 years. Photo: UVic Photo Services.

The timing is right for the University of Victoria to begin the development of its first strategic enrolment management (SEM) plan.

“We’re currently in a stable and relatively strong enrolment position, making this an ideal time to enter into this process,” said Vice-President Academic and Provost Valerie Kuehne at a kick-off session for deans, associate deans and other members of the campus community on Jan. 18.

“SEM planning will allow us to thoughtfully and strategically implement key objectives of the strategic plan related to student enrolment, retention and success.”

Associate Vice-President Student Affairs Jim Dunsdon is leading the planning process, which will draw on expertise from across campus through the Enrolment Management Working Group (EMWG) and four project committees. EMWG and committee membership includes academic administrators, faculty representatives as well as staff in key areas related to undergraduate and graduate student recruitment and retention.

“The SEM planning process will help guide our recruitment and retention efforts for the next five to 10 years,” says Jim Dunsdon. “This is an important initiative for our university and it’s critical that we receive input and participation from across the campus community.”

AACRAO Consulting, an industry leader in SEM work in North America, has been contracted to support the plan development. The consultants visited campus on Jan. 17-18 to assist with the kick-off and begin training staff and faculty for the work ahead.

“We’re coming in as partners with UVic in this process,” says AACRAO senior consultant Stanley Henderson. “Our role is to be your coach throughout this process, facilitating and guiding. But this is UVic’s plan, and will be developed by your team in line with your institutional culture and strategic plan.”

The first task is to develop six to eight goals that will form the basis of the SEM plan. These will be informed through extensive consultations conducted during the planning process as well as the international and Indigenous plans. Data will inform every stage of the process. 

Consultation with the campus community is scheduled for late March and early April. AACRAO will return to campus in April, June and October to continue facilitating the work, with the final plan scheduled for completion before the end of 2018.


In this story

People: Jim Dunsdon, Valerie Kuehne

Publication: The Ring

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