UVic experts on federal budget

The following University of Victoria experts are available to media for comment on the federal government’s budget announcement scheduled for March 22:

Rob Gillezeau (Dept. of Economics) is an economist with expertise in public policy, including employment, taxation and social programs. He can comment on the implications of the federal budget in these areas as well as the government's broader fiscal framework. He will be looking at the federal budget to see: if it matches recent rhetoric regarding a populist shift and greater support for regions going through structural change; if funds are available to meet promises to First Nations; and the breakdown of new innovation funding. (Office: 250-472-5948 or gillezr@uvic.ca)

Elisabeth Gugl (Dept. of Economics) is an economist who teaches in the areas of labour economics, public finance and microeconomic theory. She studies family economics and the decision-making that takes place within families. She can comment on what implications the federal budget might have for families. (Office: 250-721-8538 or egugl@uvic.ca)

Michael Prince (School of Public Health and Social Policy) is the Lansdowne Professor of social policy, with expertise in employment insurance, labour market programs, veterans’ benefits and disability programs. (Office: 250-472-8043 or mprince@uvic.ca)

Kim Speers (School of Public Administration) is an assistant teaching professor with a focus on performance measurement and management, accountability frameworks, change management, food politics, business, and strategic planning in government. (Office: 250-721-8057 or kspeers@uvic.ca)

Lindsay Tedds (School of Public Administration) is interim director and professor of public administration with expertise on tax policy, tax credits, underground economy and executive compensation. (Office: 250-721-8060 or ltedds@uvic.ca)

Bernie Pauly (School of Nursing) is an associate professor of nursing, a scientist with UVic’s Centre for Addictions Research, and as priority lead for the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness she can offer informed commentary on reducing health inequities associated with substance abuse, poverty and homelessness. (Office: 250-472-5915 or bpauly@uvic.ca)

Jeffrey Ansloos (School of Child and Youth Care) is an assistant professor of child and youth care and registered psychologist who can offer expert commentary on refugee migration and public health policy, youth activism, and social movements, and countering violent extremism and radicalization. (Office: 250-721-7990 or ansloos@uvic.ca)

Media contacts

Anne MacLaurin (Social Sciences Communications) at 250-217-4259 or sosccomm@uvic.ca

Kate Hildebrandt (Human and Social Development Communications) at 250-472-4389 or katehild@uvic.ca

In this story

Keywords: budget, government, expert

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