Working together for health

An enhanced research partnership between UVic and the Vancouver Island Health Authority (Island Health) is the goal of an MOU recently signed between the two organizations. Island Health is one of six health jurisdictions in BC, providing health care and support services to more than 760,000 people. The agreement will streamline how the two organizations work together by creating new opportunities for collaborative research, joint funding and skills training; exploring commercialization of innovative health research and related technology; and promoting information-sharing and database development. “Our researchers already have strong ties with Island Health and this agreement paves the way for even more engagement,” says Dr. Michael Hayes, UVic’s director of health research and education. More collaboration will help improve patient outcomes and open up opportunities for our researchers by giving them access to clinics and physicians.” Hayes notes that Island Health has identified three priority populations: seniors, Aboriginals and those with mental health and addictions. “UVic has research centres in all three areas, so this is a perfect fit for us,” he says. 

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Keywords: health, community

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