Experts on Trans Mountain pipeline

Social Sciences

The following University of Victoria experts are available to media to discuss the National Energy Board’s recommendation to conditionally approve the twinning of Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline:

Chris Tollefson (Hakai Chair in Environmental Law and Sustainability/Faculty of Law) is one of Canada’s leading environmental law scholars and counsel for BC Nature and Nature Canada in the Kinder Morgan hearings. He can speak to media about environmental assessment, energy regulation and access to justice for citizens and conservation groups related to the twinning of the Kinder Morgan pipeline. (Office: 250-721-8170 or

James Lawson (Political Science) is an expert in political topics concerning the environment, forest and energy issues, and democratic accountability. He can discuss the historical, political and economic context for Canada National Energy Board’s recent Kinder-Morgan ruling, particularly with respect to the wider policy issues surrounding market access for bitumen-based energy products. (Office: 250-721-7496 or

Media contacts

Anne MacLaurin (Social Sciences Communications) at 250-217-4259 or

Suzanne Ahearne (University Communications + Marketing) at 250-721-6139 or

In this story

Keywords: expert, environment, politics

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