Celebrating 10 years of pioneering ocean science

Cast your mind back to 2006. A NASA probe went into orbit around Mars, Twitter was born and the iPhone was still just a twinkle in Steve Jobs’ eye.

It was also the year that Ocean Networks Canada (ONC), an initiative of the University of Victoria, made history by installing the world’s first interactive real-time portal into the ocean. This allowed scientists, policy-makers, educators and the public to “enter” the ocean from anywhere, at anytime.

On Feb. 8, 2006, the world’s most advanced cabled seafloor observatory was successfully installed in Saanich Inlet near Victoria. BC. It was just the start of a decade of exploration, innovation and expansion that continues today.

In celebration of this internationally significant milestone, here are TOP 10 REASONS TO CELEBRATE ONC’s 10TH BIRTHDAY.

Ocean Networks Canada is embarking on its second decade with a renewed mission to enhance life on Earth by providing knowledge and leadership that delivers solutions for science, society and industry. ONC is funded by the governments of Canada and British Columbia, as well as industry partners worldwide.

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Keywords: Ocean Networks Canada, oceans

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