BC degrees drive employment outcomes

There are no guarantees in an uncertain economy but the surest path to career success begins with a university education, according to a December study of student outcomes released by the Research Universities’ Council of BC. The report underlines the importance of a university degree in today’s economy, showing that graduates get the jobs they want, in the regions where they want to work, and are paid competitive salaries that escalate over the course of their careers.

Key findings include:

  • Two years after graduating, the median salary for the Class of 2012—the most recent surveyed—was $50,000 per year, well above the average for other young people entering the workforce.
  • 92 per cent of university graduates are satisfied or very satisfied with their education and 93 per cent give top marks to the quality of instruction they received.
  • A significant majority of graduates from BC’s regional research universities choose to stay in the communities where they were educated.

This report represents five years of data collected by BC Stats.

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Keywords: employment, student life

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