Welcome to the Edge

- Joanne McGachie

Don't look now, but you’re living on the Edge . . . and it's a great place to be!

On Feb. 24, in the University Centre, hundreds of students, staff and faculty were on hand to greet UVic’s vibrant new look: a positioning concept, university narrative, and visual identity that reflects our university’s distinct qualities and defines the characteristics that set us apart—the UVic Edge.

President Jamie Cassels and external relations VP Carmen Charette unveiled the dynamic, colourful branding to an enthusiastic crowd.

"Today we are unveiling the result of the UVic Difference Project—a critical milestone towards our goal of developing a sharper narrative for this great university,” Cassels said.

"In the first few months of my presidency, I expressed my belief that, if we are to be a university of choice, in an increasingly competitive world, we need to focus our efforts and build on our strengths as a university and a community,” he said. "We need to better communicate those strengths, to engage more effectively within our community and with a range of partners, key stakeholders and external audiences."

Cassels' call to action led to the UVic Difference project under the leadership of Charette and communications and marketing director Bruce Kilpatrick. The project was informed by extensive research and guided by a widely representative steering committee. In an exhaustive process, the project team encouraged the active participation of the entire campus and communities beyond that led to over 10,000 people providing their input to the narrative.

"Through that project," continued Cassels, "we've landed on a way of describing ourselves and answering the question 'why UVic?' It's encapsulated in the concept of the Edge, which describes us so well, in so many ways.

"Our Edge is the combination of dynamic learning, vital impact and an extraordinary academic environment that can't be found anywhere else. This describes the advantage students gain by coming here; the commitment we’ve made to research that makes a difference; and the special characteristics of our academic community."

These three key concepts are reflected in a fresh look and new graphic elements. The university colours—gold, red and blue—have been shifted subtly to more natural hues. The colours will also be used in a new dynamic element, reminiscent of a wave, which also appears as part of a new university mark. As well, there will be wider use of the UVic martlets: symbols of the constant search for knowledge.

The new vocabulary, narrative and imagery were captured in the video that kicked off the proceedings:

  • Dynamic learning immerses our students in personal, hands-on experiences and research-inspired teaching.
  • Vital impact drives how we tackle urgent priorities for people, places and the planet.
  • Our extraordinary academic environment inspires us to continually defy boundaries, discover and innovate in exciting ways.

Cassels went on to invite the entire campus to explore the new narrative and concepts.

"With all things new and different, it will take us time to internalize the UVic Edge, to put it to work, and to live it in our day-to-day activities," he said. "I'm asking you to join us in the coming months as we roll out the UVic Edge across campus and beyond, and for all of us to find ways to bring it to life and to showcase it in our own areas."

Charette then took the podium and added her thanks to everyone who contributed to the process.

"We began the UVic Difference project in early 2014 with a commitment to a strong process; a process that would give us the opportunity to hear from you, in multiple ways, at different stages," she said. "As Jamie has said, what you are seeing here today is the result of a community effort. Thank you for your involvement in this important journey!"

She is looking forward to the full implementation of the Edge branding.

"It's exciting to see the potential for how the Edge will help us recruit and retain students, attract top-notch faculty and staff, and forge partnerships with organization in our region, across the country and beyond," Charette said. "It will strengthen our ability to impact society, establish bright futures for our graduates, and enhance UVic’s reputation as an outstanding university."

She outlined the tools and mechanisms being established to bring the UVic Edge and its elements alive on campus. There will be a senior-level Strategic Positioning Council that will review and coordinate future university strategies and investments in the Edge. A comprehensive communications and marketing plan has been drafted to include web, social media and advertising initiatives to introduce the Edge to the campus and beyond.

As well, an introductory website is now active that provides a wealth of information about the Edge and available support. It includes a new publication to introduce the Edge to a variety of audiences; practical information about ordering business cards and stationary; even a new PowerPoint template.

Charette wrapped up the event, inviting the audience to help themselves to cupcakes and a special takeaway—a Rubik's-style cube puzzle emblazoned with the new graphic elements that's sure to become a collector's item!

"Welcome to the Edge! The UVic Edge . . .” she said, ". . . where exciting breakthroughs and dynamic learning happen!”

In this story

Keywords: administrative, Edge

People: Jamie Cassels, Carmen Charette

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