UVic unveils updated draft Campus Plan

The University of Victoria is inviting the campus community and the public to review a draft of the updated Campus Plan, with open house sessions on Oct. 21. 

The 2003 Campus Plan is being updated to provide a refreshed vision, guidelines and direction for future campus development, related to buildings, transportation, and natural spaces. It also plays a key role in supporting the university’s academic mission and commitments to sustainability.

Phase 1 of the process, in January to March of this year, saw open house sessions for the campus community and the public, as well as a focused workshop with faculty, staff, students, community representatives and a broad range of stakeholders.

“The public engagement we saw this past spring was an inclusive and collaborative process,” says Gayle Gorrill, vice-president finance and operations and co-chair of the campus planning committee. “We had more than 1,000 interactions with individuals, with more than half of those being face-to-face.”

“At every stage of our consultations, we received reasoned, engaged and enthusiastic input from a broad range of people,” says Dr. Valerie Kuehne, vice-president academic and provost, and the other co-chair of the planning committee.  “We heard clearly that our campus is a special place for the entire community, and it’s key that the updated Campus Plan reflects the values and priorities of those many voices.”

In Phase 2 over the last few months, the input received was used to develop a draft plan that includes the vision, goals, principles and many of the strategic policy directions that are foundational to the updated Campus Plan. The draft plan presents the vision for the UVic campus over the next 10 years and beyond, by focusing on three key areas: open spaces, land use/built forms, and mobility.

Members of the public are invited to view and comment on the draft plan at the following open house sessions:

Wednesday, Oct. 21 – 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. & 6 to 8 p.m.
Michele Pujol room, Student Union Building, University of Victoria

Opportunities for public feedback on the draft plan extend to Nov. 4, with a final plan targeted for completion in January 2016. The draft Campus Plan and more information can be found at www.uvic.ca/campusplanning.

UVic’s academic mission and priorities, contained in its 2012 Strategic Plan (“A Vision for the Future – Building on Excellence”), provide a starting point for the Campus Plan update. The commitment to community engagement and involvement is described and guided by the 2005 Campus Planning Consultation Process and the 2012 Community Engagement Framework.

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Media contacts

Neil Connelly (Campus Planning and Sustainability) at 250-472-5433 or campusplanupdate@uvic.ca

Joanne McGachie (University Communications + Marketing) at 250-721-8746 or mcgachie@uvic.ca

In this story

Keywords: administrative, campus plan

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