Gear up for a career: the mock interview


- Vanessa Stofer

Even for the most seasoned student, job interviews can be a harrowing experience-that's why UVic Co-op and Career launched an expanded series of mock interview clinics for co-op students this year. Beginning in 2014-15, all co-op students will complete a mock interview for a sample job as part of their work search preparation course. Indigenous student David Jewett (biology and psychology) signed up to practice his skills for an upcoming interview at UBC Medicine.

"The mock interview was relaxed but very realistic-some of the more unconventional questions really tested my ability to think on my feet," he says. "The best part was the one-on one-review of my interview and r&e#180;sum&e#180; with the interviewer afterwards. It was great feedback on what I did well and what I could've done better."

The setting is realistic-most of the interviewers are real co-op employers, and students submit an application and interview for a sample position. It's also a great way to meet employers. David made such an impression on his mock interviewer that he left with an unexpected job offer and is enjoying his new position at Science Venture this semester.

"The mock interview clinic is whatever you want it to be: it can be for practice or it can be for an actual job," he says. "I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to sharpen their interview skills."

So far, Co-op and Career have scheduled 12 clinics and over 800 students have completed mock interviews since the fall.


In this story

Keywords: co-op, employment, student life

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