In memoriam: Dr. Martha Farrell

Human and Social Development

Dr. Martha Farrell, a long-time associate of the Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives (CAPI) and the School of Public Administration, was killed May 13th in a Taliban terrorist attack on the Kabul guesthouse where she was staying. Farrell was in Afghanistan with the Aga Khan Foundation leading workshops on gender and anti-violence for Afghan locals and government officials.

Farrell was a director of the Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA), an India-based non-profit with a long history of collaboration with the university. Over the years, Farrell developed many personal and professional connections with the UVic community and programs. She helped develop community development courses for the School of Public Administration and had been adjunct faculty both here and at Royal Roads where she was scheduled to teach later this summer.

Budd Hall (Public Administration, Anthropology) has known Farrell for 25 years. Of his friend, Hall reflected, “Martha Farrell was a joyful, courageous, strong and principled women. She was a national leader of the movement against violence against women, a great friend of the University of Victoria and will be with us always in our hearts.”

Hall shares the UNESCO Chair in Community-Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education with Farrell’s husband and President of PRIA Dr. Rajesh Tandon, who received an honorary Doctorate of Laws from UVic in 2008.

Farrell and PRIA distance education initiatives have connected with many UVic students. CAPI interns working with PRIA had the privilege of working with Farrell directly. Robyn Fila, internship program manager says that “Martha was an incredibly strong, intelligent and inspiring woman, who’s work had a huge impact on many people’s lives.”

Farrell’s death is a tragedy that has brought home to UVic the reality of the violence happening in many places around the world. All who knew her or her work will miss Farrell’s leadership, inspiration, courage and dedication. A celebration of Farrell’s life is being planned for September when Tandon is planning to be in Victoria.


In this story

Keywords: in memoriam, obituary

People: Martha Farrell

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