Expert on Bill C-279

Social Sciences

The following University of Victoria faculty member is available to comment on C-279—the bill to amend the Canadian Human Rights Code and the Criminal Code to strengthen hate crimes protection based on gender identity—after it comes before the Senate’s Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee today at 4:15PM ET, Feb. 25:

Aaron H. Devor (Sociology/Transgender Archives) is an expert in the development of the social movement in North America for trans* support and acceptance. He is the founder and academic director of UVic’s Transgender Archives, which is the largest in the world; a professor in UVic’s Department of Sociology; a former dean of UVic’s Faculty of Graduate Studies; an elected member of the elite International Academy of Sex Research; and an elected Fellow of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. (Dr. Devor can be contacted by media throughout this week by email at

•   View a video of Dr. Devor speaking about his research (UVic YouTube)
•   Read an op/ed by Dr. Devor on trans* rights (

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Media contacts

Tara Sharpe (University Communications + Marketing) at 250-721-6248 or

In this story

Keywords: expert, gender, sociology

People: Aaron Devor

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