Backgrounder: 2015 Victoria Leadership Awards

The following provides biographical details for the winners in each of eight categories:

LEADERSHIP VICTORIA LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD (previously announced)Clarence "Butch" Dick

Master carver and Songhees First Nation artist Clarence "Butch" Dick (Yux’wey’lupton), an inspiring local visionary trained in fine art who continues to play a pivotal role in youth empowerment and whose tireless commitment to creatively championing the Songhees carving style has touched every generation.

In his lifelong dedication to art, culture and community service, Butch has become an educator and mentor of many—including his two sons, Clarence Dick Jr. and Bradley Dick whom he taught to carve, and countless students in Victoria School District 61, where he has taught First Nations art and cultural awareness for more than two decades. He firmly believes he is a link between two worlds. The Greater Victoria community has benefited greatly from Butch’s beliefs, leadership, mentorship, influence and actions. He quietly performs magic in the background without wanting or seeking recognition.

Butch believes intrinsically in leading by example. As Songhees education liaison worker and artistic director, he helped launch the Songhees Recreation and Wellness Centre in 2013, with a gymnasium, eldercare, youth centre, adult education centre and youth kitchen. He was also the driving force behind the Indigenous Youth Showcase, where youth from ages 15 to 24 work with artists, mentors and elders to develop an artistic vision and practice a focus on a career path.

Among other works, he designed and created the Signs of Lekwungen Interpretive Walkway—with its seven large unique metallic markers honouring the art, history and culture of the Coast Salish People—along Victoria's Inner Harbour. He was also directly involved in carving the two poles in Spirit Square—which includes a performance stage, market, and gardens with native species—formally known as Victoria’s Centennial Square. An internationally renowned artist, Butch is from the Lkwungen community, better known today as the Songhees First Nation.

UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP AWARD (two recipients)Bill Anderson and Bruce Parisian

Bill Anderson brings over 38 years’ experience providing accounting and advisory services to a variety of organizations and businesses. He was a success as a CA and Partner in Deloitte and KPMG. Even before retirement, he turned his formidable skills to working with many Vancouver Island organizations, including the UVic Gustavson School of Business. Bill has been instrumental in linking UVic with the community, and is in student demand as an inspirational mentor. He has been involved in the Innovation Centre for Entrepreneurs (ICE), and tirelessly recruits volunteers from the business community for ICE and various Gustavson activities.

Bruce Parisian, Executive Director of the Victoria Native Friendship Centre, has linked the University of Victoria and the Greater Victoria Community to benefit the public. In particular, he has benefitted the urban Indigenous People of our community, by partnering with UVic on the President’s Advisory Council on Indigenous Education, the First People’s House project, academic leadership programs in Public Administration, community-based research, and an Aboriginal library, the first of its kind in Canada. His vision, courage, and constant commitment have brought to UVic and the Greater Victoria Community the services and opportunities that our growing Indigenous communities require to flourish.

ROTARY COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP AWARD (two recipients) Kelly Reid and Scott Treble

Kelly Reid has been Director of Mental Health and Substance Use (MHSU) services at Island Health since 2010. Kelly’s career has included clinical positions with non profit and government agencies as well as a variety of leadership positions in Victoria and Vancouver Island. During his 20+ years of service, Kelly has strengthened community services by collaboratively developing innovative evidence based programs including housing, rehabilitation and assertive community treatment. Many services resulted from community integration with local Police, Corrections, not for profit partners, service users and family. Kelly’s direct community experience has informed his decision making as a senior program leader.

Scott Treble is a Staff Sergeant and Saanich Police supervisor in the Community Engagement Division. His police leadership supports community-based programs and services such as School Liaison, Crime Prevention, Bike Section, Block Watch, Volunteers, Reserve Police, Seniors and Diversity. In this role, he is co-chair of the Greater Victoria Police Diversity Advisory Committee. Scott is a University of Regina graduate and former RCMP officer who served the communities of Gold River and Sidney/North Saanich before joining Saanich Police. His community service leadership includes Big Brothers Big Sisters, Scouts Canada and the 2013-2014 Community Development Program with Leadership Victoria.


Alex Harned is a lover of community, and a proponent of resilient local economy. In early 2012, she undertook the talk of growing a farmers market in her community of Oaklands. She was inspired to create a space where community could gather to celebrate local food, art, music, and diversity. Today, the Oaklands Sunset Market supports over 100 vendors, showcases over 60 musicians, feeds 30 low income families (through the BCAFM Nutrition Coupon Program), and hosts thousands of patrons who support the market. Alex graduated from the University of Victoria with a BA in Sociology in 2012. She is gregarious, passionate, and diligent in her commitment to the sustainability and quality of the Oaklands Market.


Maja Tait graduated from the Leadership Victoria program in 2006, shortly after relocating with her husband Alex to Sooke. Drawn by the community’s stunning natural setting and unique history and charm, it was a natural fit for the newlyweds.

Maja was raised in the hamlet of Bragg Creek, Alberta and has been a dedicated community volunteer since her early childhood with organizations like Girl Guides of Canada, the Victoria Women’s Sexual Assault Centre, the Craigdarroch Castle Museum Society and the Sooke Harbourside Lions Club. Building on the successes of the Leadership Victoria program, Maja has advanced her career in property management and with strong encouragement from her husband, she was elected to serve Sooke as a municipal councillor in 2008. Maja was re-elected in 2011 and elected as Mayor in 2014.


Maureen Sawa is an award-winning librarian and CEO of the Greater Victoria Public Library. Maureen joined GVPL from Hamilton, Ontario, where she developed Hamilton Public Library’s spectacular Central Library renovation project, an innovative partnership with the Hamilton Farmers’ Market. A firm believer in the power of ‘doing more with more’, Maureen is known for her collaborative approach to library service and community development. A former children’s librarian, Maureen is the author of two critically acclaimed children’s books, ‘The Library Book’ and ‘Car Smarts’ (co-authored with Phil Edmonston, the creator of the iconic Lemonaid Car Guides) and has extensive experience in public relations. Maureen has spoken at numerous library conferences across Canada and is particularly known for her popular ’12 Habits of Highly Successful Librarians’ presentation.


Ingrid Bergmann supports senior and emerging leaders in the public and private sector to make a positive impact with staff and colleagues as well as in their communities within BC.
Since 2002, Ingrid has been an active member of the BCHRMA and the Vancouver Island Coaches Association. She is a highly respected Certified Executive Coach, Certified Human Resource Practitioner and a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation. She contributed as a volunteer mentor/coach for BCHRMA, Leadership Victoria and, as a distinguished alumnus, Royal Roads Executive Coaching program. Ingrid is valued by the people and teams she coaches, the organizations that employ them and by her colleagues and peers in the profession.


Pacifica Housing is a non-profit charitable organization that provides affordable housing for low income families, persons with a disability and adults who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. This mission is to be a leading innovative provider of affordable homes and support services that contribute to the independence of individuals and families.

They believe in “housing first”: helping people find safe, secure and permanent housing, so that health, family and other personal matters can then be addressed. Pacifica Housing's vision is to build better lives through affordable homes and community connections.

Media contacts

Ivan Watson (Communications Director, Leadership Victoria) at 250-418-0700 or

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Keywords: leadership, award

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