Tell us what you think about Campus Checklist

The Campus Checklist is a brief campus news digest delivered biweekly to all UVic faculty and staff via their university-supplied email. Our goal is to strengthen communications between faculty and staff in different areas, support UVic's culture of respect, inclusion and collaboration, build a sense of shared enterprise and improve campus communications.

How are we doing so far? We'd like to hear from you.

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Background info about the Campus Checklist

Principles and examples that guide content include:

  • Need-to-know news or information about policies, processes or other administrative changes for UVic employees
  • Announcements about broad-based or campus-wide service improvements that will help faculty and staff in their work, or will otherwise improve campus life (e.g. new services, supports or employee programs)
  • Opportunities for engagement, consultation or input on matters of widespread interest or impact
  • Deadlines for institution-wide initiatives (e.g. President’s Distinguished Service Awards, Chancellor searches, governing body nominations, OneCard transition)
  • Event announcements related to the university’s core mission that are relevant to a wide range of campus audiences
  • Volunteer or community partnership opportunities for campus community members
  • Extraordinary achievements or recognition of teaching and research that help demonstrate what sets UVic apart on the national or international scale.

In order to ensure that Checklist covers the highest impact items for the campus community, Ring staff work with VP offices to encourage contributions from across the university. The Ring newspaper and website will continue to provide a venue for suitable announcements that aren’t included in the Campus Checklist broadcast emails.

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Keywords: Checklis, staff

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