Research presentation on The UVic Difference project

A presentation on the key research findings from The UVic Difference project will be held for the university community Oct. 21 at 3:00–4:30 p.m. in the David Turpin Building, room A102

To ensure a firm fact-based foundation to the renewal and sharpening of the university's positioning with key audiences, UVic conducted a range of quantitative research last spring, in addition to the multiple focus groups, forums, interviews, meetings and commenting opportunities that were part of the project.

The response to the quantitative surveys was so enthusiastic that the university now has substantial data covering perceptions of UVic as well as views about post-secondary education from students, parents, faculty, staff, alumni, and business and public sector leaders in Victoria, Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto, and co-op employers across the country.

During the presentation, Pam Ward from The Strategic Counsel research firm will take attendees through the key findings and answer questions.

More info on The UVic Difference site.

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