Backgrounder: Putting the brakes on climate change - new free online course shows how

Reviewers’ comments: Mitigation Needs and Action, and Government Tools and Initiatives Part I & II

An important course on climate change by skilled educators who understand the science of communication and the need for a well informed and engaged public.”
Jim Hoggan, Chair of the David Suzuki Foundation and Founder of DesmogBlog.

"Taking action against climate change will yield great economic opportunities for BC. This course sheds light on how that can be accomplished, and will be a valuable resource for all Canadians."
Jonathan Rhone, Chair, BC Cleantech CEO Alliance; President & CEO, Axine Water Technologies

"While much of the material available about the climate crisis is either inaccessible to the layman or made accessible through over-simplification, the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions has developed a clear, understandable and accurate picture of the situation in which we find ourselves, a positive vision of the future and the tools we need to get there. This course is highly recommended!!"
Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada, Member of Parliament for Saanich-Gulf Islands

"With the science of climate change becoming increasingly clear and urgent, the new PICS course is a valuable and timely source of information. It helps participants learn about the technologies and government actions that will give society the best chance of avoiding the most dangerous impacts of climate change."
Matt Horne, director of the Pembina Institute Climate Change program

The Climate Insights 101 course by the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions explains the complex, multi-faceted issue of mitigation in a straightforward, accessible manner, providing an immensely useful overview for those seeking to better understand how we might avoid the dangerous impacts of climate change.”
John Cook, creator and manager of the influential award-winning Skeptical Science website, and Climate Change Communication Fellow for the Global Change Institute at the University of Queensland.

"Energy conservation, energy efficiency, and clean energy are the foundation upon which we can build a sustainable, low-carbon future - this latest course from PICS speaks to this well as it does about the mitigation options currently available to us to help deal with the challenge of climate change. This challenge also creates tremendous business opportunities that can help grow a clean and sustainable economy.
Mossadiq S. Umedaly, Serial Cleantech Entrepreneur - Ballard Power Systems, Xantrex Technology, Enecsys, Wellington Partners Venture Capital, Electronics Recycling Services, and past Chairman of BC Hydro

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In this story

Keywords: climate change, Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions, environment, clean energy, education

People: Tom Pedersen

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