Global experience a key asset for students and employers alike

A new study commissioned by the Association of Universites and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) is highlighting the importance of a global perspective for Canadian employers—and the value of international experiences as part of a university education in preparing Canadian students for successful careers.

The study was released in Calgary where university leaders and senior representatives from government, business and student groups gathered to focus on strategies that will enable more students to become globally and interprovincially mobile by 2017, Canada’s 150th anniversary. 

UVic President Jamie Cassels participated in the presidents' panel on experiential learning and student mobility on the opening day of the workshop. 

Each year, only three per cent of Canadian university students engage in international learning. The AUCC credits university study-abroad programs with helping young Canadians develop the international competencies that allow them to navigate new and larger worlds, build the soft skills that help them transition to rewarding careers and equip them for success in today’s dynamic global knowledge economy.

AUCC media release 

In this story

Keywords: Association of Universites and Colleges of Canada, international

People: Jamie Cassels

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