Engineering a culture shift on campus


- Julie Sloan

Some people are born leaders, and convocating graduate Tiffany Yu undoubtedly falls into that category. Never one to shy away from a challenge, Yu saw a need in the Faculty of Engineering and set out to create change, becoming heavily involved with the Engineering Student Society (ESS). After attending the National Conference on Women in Engineering, Yu was inspired to create a women in engineering group at UVic. With help from faculty members and fellow ESS members Taylor Entz and Alisa Minderova, Leadership Through Diversity was born.

“In engineering, “ says Tiffany, “you meet a lot of shy people, but also a lot of people who just don’t know how to get involved, and I really wanted to find a way to connect everyone and bring people together.”

The student-run organization within the ESS has been going strong for two years and is designed to be inclusive and supportive of all types of diverse student populations. LTD created a tri-mentorship program, which matches first-year students with third- and fourth-year students and with industry partners including Viking Air, Schneider Electric and BiC.

Besides being an exceptional student herself, Yu—the second oldest of five children—is driven to challenge the way things work, and make them better.  In recognition of her years of service to the ESS and her visionary role in creating Leadership Through Diversity, Yu was nominated for the Provost’s Advocacy and Activism Award in Equity and Diversity.

Working in operations engineering at Spectra Energy is not what Yu dreamed of as a little girl—it's way better. She initially applied to study humanities at UVic, but after attending a mother-daughter robotics workshop on campus ("because of the free pizza," she quips), she quickly changed her mind. After the workshop, Yu was hooked. She switched to engineering and says it was the best decision she's ever made.

If her success at UVic is any indicator, she’ll be taking on leadership roles wherever she goes.


In this story

Keywords: Engineering Student Society, diversity

People: Tiffany Yu

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