Co-op helps drive local growth

Peter B. Gustavson School of Business

Victoria-based RevenueWire prides itself on helping companies grow their online business, so it's no surprise that this global e-commerce facilitator also fosters opportunities for learning in the workplace. RevenueWire regularly hires UVic co-op students in a wide range of roles—with great results.

“RevenueWire has been a long-time supporter of the UVic Co-op Program,” says Kim Krenzler, Director of Talent and Culture, who has hired co-op students across several disciplines over the years. “Our company benefits in two ways—first, we get the resources needed to help with a variety of projects, and second, we benefit from welcoming young team members who bring a passion for learning and a dedication to working hard into the workplace.”

Christine Eastgaard, RevenueWire’s Marketing Operations Manager, utilizes co-op students within the marketing department to drive corporate marketing initiatives—an important piece of the company’s operations. The business works with clients to optimize every phase of the online transaction lifecycle, including marketing, sales, customer management and more.

For commerce co-op student Dennis Pavlina, the opportunity to work with Eastgaard and the team was something he couldn’t pass up. During his second four-month co-op work term at RevenueWire last September, he was responsible for coordinating some of the company’s email marketing campaigns, organizing networking events, developing marketing collateral and building a database of prospects for a new business initiative.

“The opportunity to work in the constantly changing e-commerce landscape has exposed me to foundational marketing concepts that I’ll be able to use in future positions,” says Pavlina.

Eastgaard has been equally impressed with Pavlina’s work. “Dennis is thoughtful and mature in how he interacts within the company, and he continually strives to learn and grow within the marketing team,” she says. “Because of this, we’ve added more complex projects to his role.”


In this story

Keywords: co-op, RevenueWire

People: Kim Krenzler, Christine Eastgaard, Dennis Pavlina

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