Working towards a well-informed campus

Every university aspires to be a natural home for knowledge, and an easy place for sharing information. And along with the remarkable diversity, scale and specialization of operations that help shape UVic’s extraordinary academic environment also comes the challenge of keeping faculty and staff well-informed about initiatives, events, opportunities and achievements across our busy campus.

A few months ago, shortly after UVic President Jamie Cassels identified the improvement of internal communications as a priority in his Campus Conversations report, University Communications and Marketing (UC+M) began working with partners across campus to refine the tools and practices that help UVic faculty and staff keep our colleagues informed and engaged.

With input from an advisory committee of staff, faculty and students, a few initial steps in the Campus Communications Project have already been taken, including establishing the Campus Checklist electronic newsletter and expanding the Digicaster digital signage network. 

During December, UVic will also conduct a survey of faculty and staff to better understand the habits and preferences of our community, with the aim of improving the value and relevance of information in different venues, and better support university-wide efforts to enhance participation and engagement. 

In this story

Keywords: campus engagement, community, staff

People: Jamie Cassels

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