12 to receive Distinguished Alumni Awards

Outstanding members of the University of Victoria alumni community—selected by each of the university’s faculties, divisions and the UVic libraries—will be honoured Wednesday night. This is a signature event of UVic’s seventh annual Alumni Week, which continues through Saturday.

“Alumni Week is about the economic, social and cultural impact of UVic alumni everywhere,” says UVic Alumni Association President Dale Henley, BA ’71. “Our award winners are a great reflection of that theme.”

Award presentations begin at 7:30 p.m. on Wed., Feb. 5 at the Hotel Grand Pacific. The 2014 Distinguished Alumni Award recipients are:

  • Eric Akis, Cert. ’96
    Journalist, author and chef
  • Qimin You, PhD ’93
    CEO, Ustar Biotechnologies Hangzhou (China)
  • Roderick Allen, MA ’93
    Asst. Deputy Minister of Ed./Supt. of Learning
  • Chris Reid, MASc, ’95
    Exec. Chair, Hydrexia; Founder, Cellex Power
  • Brian Butler, BA ’71
    President and CEO, Butler Brothers Supplies
  • Jan Ross, BFA ’76
    Curator, Emily Carr House
  • Marilyn Copes, MBA ’99
    Exec. Director, Island Health (Royal Jubilee)
  • Michael J. Whitfield, BA ’67
    Stage lighting designer
  • Mary Mouat, LLB ’87
    Lawyer and community builder
  • Dr. Evan Wood, BSc ’97
    Co-founder, Insite supervised injection facility
  • Dr. David Naysmith, BSc ’71
    Surgeon and medical humanitarian
  • Dr. Jennifer Zelmer, BSc ’93
    Executive VP, Canada Health Infoway

Recipient background and faculty affiliations

The Capital Regional District board of directors, along with the councils of Victoria, Saanich and Oak Bay, have proclaimed Feb. 2 to 8 UVic Alumni Week in their jurisdictions.

Alumni Week includes more than 20 events in Victoria, Vancouver and Calgary. Alumni are encouraged to wear UVic colours this week and to connect and share photos on Twitter using the #UVicAlumniWeek hash tag.

There are more than 30,000 UVic alumni living on southern Vancouver Island and UVic graduates can be found in more than 100 countries.

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Media contacts

Terry Cockerline (Alumni Relations) at 250-721-6000 or terryc@uvic.ca

Dale Henley (UVic Alumni Association) at 250-721-6000 or alumni@uvic.ca

In this story

Keywords: alumni, award, alumni week

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