Be part of the 100 UVic Women Who Care

100 UVic Women Who Care is an opportunity for current UVic faculty and staff to come together to raise funds for UVic community-based projects. Interested women will be asked to commit $100 (and receive a tax receipt) to support these worthwhile programs.

The idea is to encourage a spirit of philanthropy and community where there have been few opportunities in the past. One hundred women who care, $100 each, 4 times/year = $40,000/year supporting important community-based projects.

Date and location

On Dec. 18 at noon in the Human & Social Development building, room A240, faculty and staff (men are also welcome) are invited to bring your lunch and hear about wonderful community-based projects at UVic and to celebrate these works with colleagues.

UVic-based community projects

Hosted by HSD Dean Mary Ellen Purkis, this inaugural session will present three amazing UVic-based community projects as candidates for funding:

  • University 101: A chance for community members to experience a university setting and learn valuable skills to support their plans for attending a post- secondary institution in the future. University 101 supports community members who are experiencing homelessness, poverty, addictions and loss of family support.
  • Feet First: A nursing project that provides foot-care for the homeless community in association with Our Place downtown. In 4 days, 8 nursing students wash over 750 pairs of feet, provide clean socks and hands-on care and attention to the most vulnerable in our community.
  • CanAssist: The Inclusive Technology Project supports disabled students to build and design supportive technologies for disabled citizens. This project provides employment for the disabled and enables other disabled citizens to become more mobile.

The 100 Women Who Care idea is a grass-roots movement that has been growing across North America and around the world. It's geared toward women who want to make a profound and practical impact on their communities but may not have the time in their busy lives to commit to a larger number of volunteer hours.

In this story

Keywords: philanthropy, community, women

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