Pilot study aims to increase office recycling

- Melanie Groves

Though the University of Victoria is known for its green campus and sustainable initiatives, the campus still has a ways to go to reach the goal of diverting 75 per cent of its waste from the landfill. In fact, in 2012 university offices sent approximately 12 tonnes of banned recyclable material to the Hartland landfill.

In an effort to improve the rate of recycling in offices and help UVic comply with provincial and regional regulations, Facilities Management has commissioned a pilot study, running from September through November in the University Centre, Administrative Services, Business and Economics and Cornett buildings.During this time, Janitorial Services staff will not remove recyclable material from the desk-side blue recycling containers in individual offices. Instead, staff and faculty are being asked to take their recyclables to new sorting stations in conveniently located office locations.

“Sorting-at-source recycling is widely accepted as the most effective way to prevent banned recyclable material from being sent to a landfill site,” says Nadia Ariff, waste reduction coordinator. “In 2011, we set up a successful sorting station system in classroom and lecture theatre buildings. We need everyone’s help to recycle more, and this study will test how a similar system works in an office setting.”

Additional information about the pilot study is available on the Facilities Management website. To find out more about campus waste reduction initiatives, call 250-853-3160 or email wastenot@uvic.ca.


In this story

Keywords: sustainability, campus, recycling

People: Nadia Ariff

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