New unit supports research partnership functions

Human and Social Development, Social Sciences

On April 2, the University of Victoria launched its new Research Partnerships and Knowledge Mobilization unit (RPKM) in the Office of Research Services (ORS). Led by director Brent Sternig, formerly president and CEO of UVic Industry Partnerships (UVic IP), RPKM is a one-stop shop that will facilitate research partnerships, develop research agreements and support knowledge mobilization between UVic’s research community and valued partners in government, industry, community-based organizations and other academic institutions.

As a single, visible and accessible point of contact, this new unit will integrate and enhance the services provided already through ORS and those previously provided by UVic IP and the Office of Community-based Research (OCBR)—linking researchers with partners to address important social, economic, environmental and cultural challenges.

UVic IP will continue as a legal entity for holding intellectual property assets (patents, etc.) assigned to the university, but all of its services will now be provided through RPKM. As of April 2, OCBR is closed and its suite of research support services has also been transferred to the new unit. The research initiatives led by OCBR are expected to continue in a new inter-faculty research centre led by UVic’s Faculty of Human and Social Development and Faculty of Social Sciences. A research partnerships advisory committee—composed of key research, industry, nonprofit and community-based stakeholders—will be established to guide and provide advice to the new unit.

RPKM is a leading-edge initiative in Canada for supporting and promoting civically engaged research; this new unit represents a thoughtful and comprehensive approach toward meeting UVic’s commitment to improving society through research and creative activities. UVic places a high value on community-engaged research, knowledge mobilization and innovative ideas for industry, community and government partners—and its commitment to civic engagement is stronger than ever.

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In this story

Keywords: Research Partnerships and Knowledge Mobilization, research

People: Brent Sternig

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