Message from the President

Human and Social Development

The University of Victoria is proud to be hosting the 82nd annual Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences during our 50th anniversary year. I know the entire UVic community welcomes our Congress visitors and I encourage everyone to take advantage of this exceptional opportunity to hear the insights of renowned scholars and public intellectuals.
On behalf of the University of Victoria, I would also like to extend a warm welcome to Congress delegates and members of our local community. I hope you will enjoy our beautiful West Coast campus and the many public events that will be free and open to everyone from June 1 to 8.
UVic previously hosted the Learneds conference in 1990, and since then has grown to become an internationally recognized university, with innovative academic and research programs, a sustainable campus of LEED-certified buildings and abundant green space, and a strong commitment to community engagement.
The 2013 Congress is a highlight of our 50th anniversary celebration. Whether you are exchanging ideas and establishing partnerships with colleagues, volunteering, or enjoying the impressive social, cultural and academic programming, I wish you a memorable and inspiring week on our campus.
David H. Turpin, CM, PhD, FRSC
President and Vice-Chancellor

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