We're living on the edge: It’s time to Drop! Cover! Hold On!

- Melanie Groves

Please wear something red on Oct. 17 and practice the DROP! COVER! and HOLD ON! procedure wherever you are at exactly 10:17 a.m. The drill may be announced in your building.

"This simple two-minute drill will help you learn the immediate response procedures for an earthquake," says Daphne Donaldson, manager of emergency planning. "Even though the steps are simple, it's important to practice them regularly so that we can react automatically during an emergency-no matter where we are."

The faculty champion for this year's ShakeOut drill is the Faculty of Engineering. Administrative officer Mary-Anne Teo explains that the deans, senior administrative staff and building safety committee members are encouraging all faculty, staff and students to participate in the drill. Hausi M&u#168;ller, associate dean of research, has generously shared with other instructors a set of PowerPoint slides that he developed in order to discuss and carry out the drill in his classes. The short presentation may soon be made available to all UVic faculty as a ShakeOut teaching aid.

"Planning for the ShakeOut drill has raised our awareness about all the things we need to consider before an earthquake happens," says Teo. "For example, I learned that I needed to make the area under my desk clear and comfortable in case I have to take shelter there. We have all checked our emergency kits and added useful items like flashlights, cash, blankets, water, snacks and family contact cards. I moved heavy items off the shelves above my desk area to reduce the risk of being injured during a quake, and now I have my kit within reach-just in case."

Information and resources to help you prepare for an earthquake are available on UVic's Emergency Planning website at www.uvic.ca/services/emergency or at www.shakeoutbc.ca.

Special events

We're Living on the Edge: Earthquakes in Southwestern BC

Friday, Oct. 11, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Guest speaker Dr. John Cassidy, a research scientist with the earthquake seismology section of Natural Resources Canada's Geological Survey of Canada, will answer questions about earthquakes, aftershocks and what we should expect in Victoria. Cassidy was part of the Canadian Association of Earthquake Engineers Reconnaissance Team that travelled to Chile immediately after the devastating 2010 magnitude 8.8 earthquake.

When the Shaking Stops
Tuesday, Oct. 15, 1-2 p.m.
UVic Emergency Planner Daphne Donaldson will offer tips about staying safe after an earthquake, with a focus on UVic's new campus evacuation procedures.

Contact Daphne Donaldson at ddonald@uvic.ca or 250-721-6355 to register for these sessions.

Did you know?

Grab and Go kits and emergency radios are available at the special discount price of $25 at the UVic Bookstore.


In this story

Keywords: emergency, earthquake

People: Daphne Donaldson

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