Food for Fines 2013: It counts for hunger

Every November, Food Banks Canada releases its results from the annual HungerCount survey. The 2013 study shows food bank use hovering at record levels. In a typical month, food banks are now providing food to more than three quarters of a million individuals; nearly four in 10 are children.

This holiday season, two annual UVic initiatives will again help fill local food bank shelves. The UVic Food for Fines program offers relief from library fines and parking tickets in exchange for food donations to the Mustard Seed and the UVSS Food Bank.

  • Campus Security Services (CSS) is offering a $5 reduction on each parking ticket with a donation of one non-perishable food item per ticket. Bring your fine and food donation to CSS during regular office hours from today through Dec. 20. 
  • UVic Libraries is discounting fines by $2 for each non-perishable food item, to a maximum of $20. Library users may also pay for their fines by diverting up to $20 of the money to Mustard Seed as a donation when paying by cash, credit or cheque at the McPherson Library (Mearns Centre for Learning) or Curriculum Library (MacLaurin Building). The program runs from today through Dec. 8.

The CSS building is located near the UVic Bookstore and is open during regular office hours, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays to Thursdays and 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Fridays. Click here for library hours. Campus maps, building directories and directions are also available online.

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