Expert on homegrown terrorism

The following University of Victoria expert is available to discuss the anti-terror bill just passed in the House, as well as implications for liberal democracies in relation to the recent terrorism plots and attacks:

Ronald Crelinsten (Centre for Global Studies) is an associate fellow at UVic and an expert on the impacts of Jihadi radicalization in North America and Europe. A member of UVic’s Centre for Global Studies since 2005, he has been studying terrorism and political violence for more than 30 years. Prof. Crelinsten studies the nexus of terrorism-counterterrorism; terrorist trajectories from radicalization to violent extremism; global security; the mass media; and policy-making in a multi-centric world. Now also an adjunct professor at Royal Roads University, he received his doctorate in criminology in 1985 from the Université de Montréal, is one of the founding members of the leading academic journal on terrorism studies, Terrorism and Political Violence, and has written numerous books and opinion pieces on the subject. (He is available by email at

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Media contacts

Tara Sharpe (UVic Communications) at 250-721-6248 or

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Keywords: global studies, security

People: Ronald Crelinsten

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