International prize for digital humanist

Dr. Ray Siemens (English), UVic’s Canada Research Chair in Humanities Computing, was awarded one of the most celebrated international prizes that digital humanists can aspire to. The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations will present the 2014 Antonio Zampolli Prize to Siemens for his singular achievement and trail-blazing leadership, next July at the Digital Humanities conference in Lausanne, Switzerland. “It was an honour even to be nominated,” Siemens says, “and I gladly share the honour with the groups at UVic that have supported my work (especially the department and faculty) as well as with the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab and the Digital Humanities Summer Institute communities that are the collaborational foundation of the work for which the award is offered.”

More on digital humanities at UVic:

In this story

Keywords: international, award, research

People: Ray Siemens

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