Day in the life: Marcus Greenshields

- Lindsay Gagel

Did you know that there’s a team of people here at UVic ready and willing to answer any computer questions you might have? It’s the Computer Help Desk, led by manager Marcus Greenshields.

At 6’4” Marcus is a big presence at the unit, tucked away in the basement of the Clearihue Building. He’s been at UVic since 2003, as both student and staff member, and over the years has built meaningful and lasting friendships with students, staff and faculty.

As Help Desk Manager, Marcus supervises nearly 20 students per term. These include full-time co-op students and part-time students. “We work around their class schedules and try to be as accommodating as possible,” he explains. 

September is a busy month for Marcus and his staff. “Last year we saw over 5,000 contacts at the Help Desk,” says Marcus modestly. “We help a lot of people.” These people include faculty, staff, students, alumni and community members—anyone affiliated with UVic who has a computer problem is welcome to contact the Help Desk.

Best part about Marcus’ job? “I really enjoy the variety. I have the chance to wear a senior technical hat in the morning, address an information security issue mid-day and be part of a project to implement a new service in the afternoon.” After a thoughtful pause Marcus’ face lights up with a big grin: “I also love teaching, tutoring and mentoring awesome staff.”

The value of mentoring is not lost on Marcus. He was fortunate to be former university president Dr. David Turpin’s mentee in the UVic Mentoring Program and is now co-chair of the program. “The energy of each group of mentees is really inspirational. It reminds me what a great community we have at UVic.”

In addition to supervising students, Marcus is a student himself. Since 2010 he’s been attending UVic part time, earning a computer science degree.

Marcus started his undergraduate program in 2003 but put his education on hold as he became more involved in the Help Desk. Returning to school wasn’t easy, but Marcus was determined. He finished his last course this summer and will convocate in November.

Even though he’s soon to have a degree hanging on the wall, Marcus doesn’t foresee many changes in his job role. “My day-to-day won’t change too much, but I’ll be able to take the skills and knowledge I learned in school and apply them to work.”

Without homework and studying to occupy his free time, Marcus enjoys cooking, woodworking, swimming and the great outdoors. One of his favourite summer activities is camping with friends, most of whom are fellow UVic staff members. He’d spend his winters camping too, if his friends would join him.

“I was shocked to learn my friends here never went to winter camp!” Marcus laughs as he recalls fond memories from his teenage years. Growing up in the small town of Fort St. John in northeastern BC, Marcus spent many winters at camp: cross-country skiing, snowshoeing and building quinzhees (which, Marcus explains keenly, are shelters made by piling a mound of snow and then hollowing out a hole to sleep in—very cozy).

Despite Victoria’s lack of winter activities, Marcus is content to stay put. He’s built some great connections at UVic and enjoys the many aspects of his job. According to Marcus, “Victoria just feels like home now.”


In this story

Keywords: day in the life, alumni, staff

People: Marcus Greenshields

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