Conversations with Cassels continue

On his first day in office in July, new University of Victoria President Jamie Cassels told faculty, staff and students that he wanted to consult widely with them about their hopes and aspirations for UVic in order to continue building a sense of identity and direction for the university, and to hear their thoughts about how to develop some of the ideas in the university’s strategic plan.

These “campus conversations” started in earnest in September with Cassels holding discussions with a dozen faculties and administrative areas over the month. He expects to hold 40–50 conversations before the term ends in December.

Cassels also met in September with graduate students in a gathering arranged by the Graduate Students’ Society. Another session coordinated by the UVic Students’ Society for undergraduate students is scheduled for Oct. 28 at 3 p.m. at a yet-to-be-announced location.

For more information about the campus conversations process and some of the key questions Cassels is asking see Those unable to attend the conversation in their area or who have additional thoughts after the meeting can access an online feedback form through



In this story

Keywords: campus, leadership

People: Jamie Cassels

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