Community Building Fund supports campus diversity

Congratulations to the most recent recipients of grants from the Community Building Fund, sponsored by the Vice-President Academic and Provost. The special project fund, which is open to students, staff and faculty, supports initiatives that enhance equity, diversity and inclusion at the university. Grant recipients are selected twice a year by members of the Provost’s Diversity and Equity Advisory Committee.

2012 Community Building Fund projects:

  • Ubuntu: A Global Citizenship Festival, organized by the UVic African & Caribbean Students’ Association. The event showcased UVic’s rich cultural diversity through food, music, dance and presentations.
  • Screening of documentary film TRANS in honour of the annual Transgender Day of Remembrance and in celebration of UVic’s Transgender Archives. Coordinated by UVic Libraries, the screening was followed by a panel discussion.
  • Production of the video Making a difference, coordinated by Jin Sun Yoon, School of Child and Youth Care. The video is now available on the CYC website.
  • First-year student diversity and equity survey, coordinated by Dr. LillAnne Jackson, Faculty of Engineering.
  • Workshops for the Immigrant Employee Support Network, coordinated by Atsuko Umeki, Advancement Services.

The next call for project proposals will be in September 2013 – visit for information.

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Keywords: funding, community

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