BC Transit improves service to campus

Since the beginning of September, BC Transit has been running 69 additional bus trips per week to campus. Most of the extra trips were made possible by taking six buses off Ring Road and instead routing them directly in and out of the campus bus loop. These include routes 16x, 26, 17, 18, 29, 39 and 51. Additional peak time trips have also been added for routes 4, 7 and 11. Community Bus 12 is now a regular bus at peak times.

"Any increase in bus service at this busy time of year is a benefit to both students and staff," says Rita Fromholt, UVic sustainability coordinator. "Staff can also take advantage of our Employee Bus Pass program, which offers monthly bus passes to full-time UVic employees who do not have a parking pass at less than half the regular price, or the employee car share program, which offers employees a free membership in the Victoria Car Share Co-op."

Check the BC Transit website for details on new schedules and routes.

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