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Pink Shirt Day 2024

February 23, 2024 -

Bullying is a pervasive problem in Canada and UVic is no exception. As a community we can lift each other up by wearing pink on February 28 to show everyone our commitment to kindness.

Read more: Pink Shirt Day 2024
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Upcycling lives

February 5, 2024 -

UVic geographer Jutta Gutberlet is helping communities of waste pickers in Brazil improve their working conditions, form co-operatives and advance social movements.

Read more: Upcycling lives
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Building Black community on campus

February 1, 2024 -

Momentum is building around a movement to build a better sense of Black community and inclusion on the UVic campus. Backed by the university’s signing the Scarborough Charter on Anti-Black Racism and Black Inclusion in Canadian Higher Education (SC), students, staff and faculty are working to centre the Black experience and celebrate Black joy and flourishing at our university.

Read more: Building Black community on campus
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Safer substance use

January 26, 2024 -

As many of you are aware, there is a concerning trend of unsafe drugs in BC. At a press conference on Jan. 24, BC’s Chief Coroner stated that nearly seven people a day died from toxic drugs in 2023 in BC. At UVic, The Student Wellness Centre, Office of Student Life, Residence Services and Campus Security want to share information with you to help prevent, recognize and respond to an overdose or over-intoxication.

Read more: Safer substance use